
Richard O’Dwyer is a 24 year old British student at Sheffield University in the UK. He is facing extradition to the USA and up to ten years in prison, for creating a website – TVShack.net – which linked (similar to a search-engine) to places to watch TV and movies online.

O’Dwyer is not a US citizen, he’s lived in the UK all his life, his site was not hosted there, and most of his users were not from the US. America is trying to prosecute a UK citizen for an alleged crime which took place on UK soil.

The internet as a whole must not tolerate censorship in response to mere allegations of copyright infringement. As citizens we must stand up for our rights online.

(Change.org via Anna Masera e The Guardian)

6 commenti a “Giù le mani”

  1. Mat dice:

    Si comincia decisamente a esagerare

  2. MayDay dice:

    Questo è il modello americano di democrazia, ampiamente esportato in Iraq, Afghanistan, eccetera. Vi stupite ancora?

  3. Cris dice:

    de lend ov de fri…

  4. Signor Smith dice:

    E quando la Corte Suprema Iraniana chiederà la nostra estradizione per un panino con la porchetta, notoriamente proibita dalla Shari’a …? Che si fa?


  5. gianluca longhi dice:

    La solita arroganza americana.

  6. Visto nel Web – 33 « Ok, panico dice:

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