
Ora e’ certo che gli OGM servono a qualcosa. Per esempio per avere piante di coca piu’ resistenti.

Over the past three years, rumors of a new strain of coca have circulated in the Colombian military. The new plant, samples of which are spread out on this table, goes by different names: supercoca, la millonaria. Here in the southern region it’s known as Boliviana negra. The most impressive characteristic is not that it produces more leaves – though it does – but that it is resistant to glyphosate. The herbicide, known by its brand name, Roundup, is the key ingredient in the US-financed, billion-dollar aerial coca fumigation campaign that is a cornerstone of America’s war on drugs.

Un commento a “SUPERCOCA”

  1. Antonello Leone dice:

    E la famosa bibita di Atlanta in tutto questo che cosa centra?
    L'ingrediente a base di cocaina, sulla bibita americana fu levata negli anni Settanta.
    A quanto mi risulta!!