
Molte associazioni americane (EFF, ACLU, EPIC ecc) hanno firmato questa petizione che richiede una moratoria sull’utilizzo dei Radio Frequency Identification Devices. Un argomento importante. Da noi se ne parlera’ solo fra qualche tempo.

We are requesting manufacturers and retailers to agree to a voluntary moratorium on the item-level RFID tagging of consumer items until a formal technology assessment process involving all stakeholders, including consumers, can take place. Further, the development of this technology must be guided by a strong set of Principles of Fair Information Practice, ensuring that meaningful consumer control is built into the implementation of RFID. Finally, some uses of RFID technology are inappropriate in a free society, and should be flatly prohibited. Society should not wait for a crisis involving RFID before exerting oversight.

Un commento a “BANDO ai RFID”

  1. mari dice:

    l'argomento ni interessa riesci ad approfondirlo nei prossimi giorni?