Schermata 2013-06-13 alle 22.07.01

Forse dieci anni fa l’editore avrebbe potuto anche provare a raccontarci che la recensione di un rispettabile quotidiano inglese aveva paragonato “The Juliette society” romanzo di esordio di Sasha Grey, 25enne nota pornostar, ad un libro di Raymond Chandler. Dieci anni fa forse, oggi no.

Questa la frase originale della recensione dell’Indipendent:

Though Grey doesn’t flinch from filling the pages with hardcore penetration, her writing style is a curious, jarring one, more redolent of a Raymond Chandler-esque 1930s private dick than someone purportedly in touch with their tumescent sensuality. Here she is on penises: “It doesn’t have to be big, but it definitely has to be hard and operated by someone with a licence to drive. Because there’s no point banging hard on the accelerator if you don’t know how to apply the brakes, turn the wheel, or shift gears. And that gear stick? If you want to put it in my box, you better know how to use it.”

(via *zoe e Lopo su FF)

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