Bel pezzo di Andrew Blum su The Daily Beast sulla scarsa trasparenza di Google.

The one exception to that openness was Google—and the strange hypocrisy of that is something I’ve yet to get over. This is the company you likely entrust with your personal correspondence, your most intimate instant messages, and a full accounting of your curiosity (going back years). But Google does not trust you.

And it’s not that they don’t trust you to keep a secret, as you trust them, but rather they don’t trust you to understand. Their stance is the corporate equivalent of a 1950s-era gynecologist who believes women can’t comprehend what’s being done to their own bodies. “Don’t worry about a thing” Google purrs. “We’ll take care of you.”

(via Pier Luca Santoro su Twitter)

5 commenti a “Google: il tuo ginecologo”

  1. /plb dice:

    Credo si possa dire lo stesso anche di Apple, Windows, Facebook, etc etc.. alla fine è ciò che la maggior parte degli utenti desidera.

  2. Trentasei dice:

    praticamente è solo Linux che costringe al contrario..

  3. /plb dice:

    si certo, vediamo chi ci casca eh ?

  4. Pietro Bonanno dice:

    C’è pure chi dice “Guai a te se solo ti azzardi a prenderti cura delle tue cose”

  5. Visto nel Web – 29 « Ok, panico dice:

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