Dove c’e’ un po’ di concorrenza i costi del broadband calano e la banda aumenta ( e anche la copertura, BT ha annunciato che a meta’ 2005 il 99,6% del paese sara’ coperto) .

Tre are two main reasons for the growth. First, continuing decline in prices. Of the big three ISPs, Wanadoo UK led the way when it cut the price of its 512k service to £17.99 a month in April. Four months later it doubled the speed of its service. while keeping the price of the service on hold. As a result of the fierce price competition that has gripped the market, BT was forced in October to cut the price of its entry-level broadband service by £2 a month. Despite this, BT Retail’s market share of the UK’s broadband market continues to fall as rival operators introduce more flexible, innovative and cheaper products.

(via The Register)

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